Mentorship in Journaling: Senior Leads Club for 6th Graders
At Deering High School, Isabel set up a bullet journaling club for 6th graders at Lincoln Middle School in order to encourage younger students to develop healthy self-care habits. Isabel described bullet journaling: creative journaling and drawing that can help people to feel more organized, keep track of activities, and have fun being expressive. After using bullet journaling herself, she had a goal to share it with others. She learned how to be a leader, and share her ideas, and inspire others as a mentor, while ordering supplies, and having to communicate professionally. Isabel shares: “I got some more practice presenting to the kids and being a friendly teacher/older kid influence to them. I wish I had more teens to look up to when I was younger, so that would be really cool if I could be that for others!” When she distributed a survey to the students who participated, 73% responded that they would continue journaling in the future!
Student: Isabel Libby
Adult Advisor: Ms. Serway (Deering High School Art Teacher)
Grant amount: $500